Thursday, 6 February 2025

E te Hokowhitu a Tu kia kaha ra


E te Hokowhitu a Tu kia kaha ra 

Kati ra te hingahinga ki raro ra

Ma nga whakaaro kei runga rawa

Hei arahi ki te ara

E tika ai

Whirinaki, whirinaki tatou katoa

Kia kotahi ra

Nga marae e tu noa nei

Nga maunga e tu noa nei

Aue ra e tama ma

Te mamae te pouri nui

E patu nei i ahau ina

Oh brave band of Tu be strong

Do not let yourselves be struck down

Let your thoughts be always heavenwards

To guide you along the path

That is the proper one

Depend, depend each upon the other


Lonely stands our marae

Lonely stands our mountains

Ah! To you our sons

The pain and the deep sadness

Beating within me so