Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Waiata Mātātoa

He mata hari, he mata koakoa
Kei ngā matatini o mātātoa
Eke panuku, eke Tangaroa
Tai ki tai x2

Taku takerewaka i te kiripounamu
o Hinemoana tēnā rurukutia
E ara ake mātāwaka

E rere ana i te aroha o ōku tūpuna
Heke iho mai ki ōku manawa
Kōtahi ki te whenua
Pupuritia te kata, pupuritia te kata

E kore, e kore, e ngaro i ōku manawa
E kore, e kore, e kore e ngaro e

Yeah yeah….

We’re Matatoa

Raapa matawaka

Every Saturday we have activitations on Tangaroa

And then Sunday doing pahikara round  the westside.. 

Straight to kura giving tohu to all of our tauira, aye.. 

Doin mahi mau rākau, tīrākau on the wai hoe waka me te āhei.

Kanikani with Whaea Rangiamohia on our tiktok and then we have Te Rima 

At the end of the year to wrap it up.

E rere ana i te aroha o ōku tūpuna
Heke iho mai ki ōku manawa
Kōtahi ki te whenua
Pupuritia te kata, pupuritia te kata

E kore, e kore, e ngaro i ōku manawa

E kore, e kore, e kore e ngaro e

Tū te ihi ihi, tū te wanawana, tū whitia te hopo ho!

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

You're Magic

 You're magic young people to me, you're magic people to me 

With you're heads held high, let your voices cry

You're proud to be maori

Because you're magic young people to me, you're magic people to me

With you're heads held high, let your voices cry

You're proud to be maori

In this crazy old world that we live in today, powers seem to have all the say

Where people don't care about good clean air, just blowing people away

And I wonder inside where the answer might lie or turn to the young of today

I say come on kids, come on and give it a try

Give your life away

Because you're magic young people to me, you're magic people to me

With you're heads held high, let your voices cry

You're proud to be maori x2

E tipu e reo, i nga rā o tō ao, arahia tō iwi, tō ngākau ki ngā taonga a o tupuna to wairua ki te Ariki

Kei a koutou katoa o te rangatahi he oranga mo te ao katoa

Kia mau, kia kaha, pupuritea te mana o nga tupuna

Because you're magic young people to me, you're magic people to me

With you're heads held high, let your voices cry

You're proud to be maori 

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Kohanga Reo

 Kua tipu rā hei oranga

Mō te iwi Māori Mā te Matua i te rangi e Hei ārahi te Kōhanga Nō reira mauria mai Ngā tamariki Ki te Kōhanga Reo The young shoots have sprung to life for Māori Our heavenly father will guide the Kōhanga movement Therefore bring the children To the Kōhanga Reo

Sunday, 9 May 2021

Nanea ana a Tia

Nanea ana a Tia

i tä te nihowera

Mokori anö kia rere a mihi i tä te wahawaha whiunga o haupa namunamuä Pura ana te kanohi o Tahuaroa Tënei a ruranga horokukü ana te hoki ki te käinga He kaha nö te raupï mai (hi aue hi!) whakauwhi mai

Tirotiro kau au

Tirotiro kau au ki marae kāinga E rā 

Kei whea koutou e ngaro nei e te iwi E rā 

Taku aroha ki ngā tai e ngunguru E rā 

E rite mai ki te iwi e ngunguru noa nei E rā

Monday, 3 May 2021

Whakatoo te mauri


Whakatoo te mauri ki roo te whenua

Taakina ki te taki o te kupu

Taakina ki te taki o te koorero

Uhia ki te mana o te papa

Uhia ki te mana o te whenua

Whakatuu ngaa poupou o te pou whare

Hei whare aahuru moo ngaa ririki a tua

Ka maa, ka maa, ka ma ate haro o te kaahu…hei!

Kua aaraitia

Kua āraitia e ngā pae maunga o Ruahine

Te rerenga o te hā o Tāwhiri

E taka marara ngā kura o te manu Huia

i runga, tē rere


Nei te reo aumihi ka rere e

ki a koutou nga kaihiko e

Tini whetu ki te rangi

Tini mano ki te whenua

Kua tau mai a Ngā Huia Kaimanawa


Kotahi te rere i te whenua Kauwhata

kia topa mai nei ki Te Marae o Hine

Whatiwhati taiaha te tohu o nehe

Kua houhou i te rongo i a taua e

Hī hā hī!


Nei te reo aumihi ka rere e

ki a koutou ngā kaihiko e

Tini whetu ki te rangi

Tini mano ki te whenua

Kua tau mai a Ngā Huia Kaimanawa


Ko Ruahine te maunga

Ōroua te awa

Tainui te waka

Ka tau ki uta hī!