Sunday, 1 October 2017

New Waiata

E pāpā Waiari,
Taku nei mahi
Taku nei mahi,
He tuku roimata

Ē aue, ka mate au;
E hine hoki mai rā
Ē aue, ka mate au;
E hine hoki mai rā

2. Māku e kaute
Ō hīkoitanga
Māku e kaute
Ō hīkoitanga
Oh darling, come back to me.
1. O Uncle Waiari,
All I've been doing
All I've been doing
Is shedding tears

Alas I will die;
Oh darling, return to me
Alas I will die;
Oh darling, return to me

2. I will count
Your footsteps
I will count
Your footsteps

Tīhore mai te rangi
tīhore mai
mao mao mao te ua
whiti mai te rā,
mao mao mao te ua
whiti mai te rā,
E rere te kōtare
ki runga pūwharawhara
ruru parirau
kei mate i te ua,
ruru parirau
kei mate i te ua.
Tīhore mai te rangi . . .e rere e noke
mai i tō pokorua
kai ki i te wai
kai mate i te ua,
kai ki i te wai
kai mate i te ua,
Tīhore mai te rangi
tīhore mai
mao mao mao te ua
whiti mai te rā,
mao mao mao te ua
whiti mai te rā,

e . . . i . . . e . . .
whiti mai te rā

e . . . i . . . e . . .
whiti mai te rā.
Clear up Sky
clear up
stop stop stop Rain
come out Sun
stop stop stop Rain
come out Sun.
Fly Kingfisher
up onto the clump of astelia.
Ruffle the rain-drops from your wings
in case you catch a chill.
Ruffle the rain-drops from your wings
in case you catch a chill.Clear up Sky . . .Escape Earthworm
out of your burrow
in case it fills with water
and you drown.
in case it fills with water
and you drown.Clear up Sky
clear up
stop stop stop Rain
come out Sun
stop stop stop Rain
come out Sun.

e . . . i . . . e . . .
Let the Sun shine

e . . . i . . . e . . .
Let the Sun shine

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